Media for Development

Media is the key tool for shaping the attitudes and behavior of any community. Understanding the significant dynamics of the medium, Omer mastered the concept of Media for Development by building a great working relationship with media houses, anchors, working journalists and their representative bodies.

Omer has on his credit introducing first-ever Code of Ethics on Gender Sensitive Reporting for media, and organizing a series of workshops on “Training of Media on Investigative Journalism and Sensitive Reporting on Sexual and Reproductive Health”.

Unlike the current situation; unfortunately, in 2004, when he launched Pakistan’s first Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign, there was no trend of covering women-specific issues on screens. At that time word ‘B’ was more associated with women sexuality rather than the disease and was forbidden to be taken on electronic media platforms. With strategic involvement of media houses, anchors, columnists and field reporters in the consultations over the issue, Omer turned the situation in favor the campaign.

Currently, a couple of leading national media groups are strategic partners in most of his initiatives.

Omer; with his expertise in this field undoubtedly has become one of the most successful practitioners of “media for Development” for social causes in Pakistan.

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