Youth Engagement

Youth Engagement: Youth comprise a huge part of our society and it is very important to engage young people and bring them into the mainstream of development initiatives to lend their support to various causes and make them feel part of the solution. Youth is the ideal stage for interventions to mold the young minds to challenge wrong beliefs; challenge unjust social norms and take deliberate actions for a violence-free balanced society.

Omer as a youth activist was always involved in lots of civic engagement initiatives at an early age. Being a true example of youth empowerment Omer started working in his family business at the age of 18.

As a young entrepreneur, Omer, became President of Old Publicans Society, an Alumni Association of Divisional Public School Lahore, President of Young Business Forum and the youngest President of Rotary Club International Pakistan and was appointed as Chair of Youth Services.

Being a staunch believer of youth empowerment throughout his career as a social entrepreneur and campaign strategist he included youth in his interventions and programs of entrepreneurship development, health awareness, promotion of gender equality, sports for development and civic citizenship.

One of the youth program developed by him have been successfully running in more than 300 colleges and universities across Pakistan and over 2 million youth have benefited from this.

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